Hormone imbalance and low testosterone can wreak havoc in your body. Unfortunately, as men age it’s common for testosterone levels to plummet. While declining testosterone might not be something you’re initially worried about, it can cause severe issues with your normal functions over time. Declining sex drive, decreased stamina, low energy, irritability, poor sleep, anxiety, and headaches, and an overall “fogginess” are only a few of the life-altering symptoms you can experience when your hormone levels drop.

Hormone (testosterone) pellet therapy gets your hormone levels back to where they should be so you can tackle whatever the day brings and feel great doing it.


Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) helps restore testosterone levels in men and fights back against the aging process. Testosterone is the most vital hormone for men, and when your hormone levels decrease, your quality of life can be significantly impacted. Loss of sex drive, changes in your mood, feeling irritable for no reason, feeling tired throughout the day, and gaining weight are common symptoms of low testosterone.

BHRT can help men who are experiencing declining hormone levels due to age, as well as those who suffer from primary hypogonadism (low T), pituitary gland dysfunction, hypothalamus dysfunction, and those who are obese.

The primary goal of BHRT is to get you back to your natural, healthy state and feeling better than ever.



BHRT involves replenishing the body with hormones that are identical in structure to what your body naturally produces. Also known as Pellet Therapy, these small pellets contain custom levels of testosterone for men. Dosage is determined based on each recipient’s specific hormone levels and needs. Gameday Men’s Health will first test your hormone levels at our in-house CLIA certified lab to assess your personal testosterone needs.

Unlike injections or pills, the primary benefit of pellet therapy is that there is no need to set a daily or weekly reminder to take the hormone therapy. Rather, pellets are simply placed under the skin and naturally dissolve, releasing consistent levels of testosterone throughout the body over 3-4 months.

Most men experience the benefits of the testosterone pellets after 1 week of the insertion. It’s often recommended to receive new pellets every 3 months, as the pellets slowly dissolve and release stable levels of testosterone throughout a 90 day period.

Before pellet placement begins, your Gameday Men’s Health practitioner will answer any questions you have about the treatment. Lab work will also be conducted to ensure you are a qualified candidate for pellet therapy prior to undergoing any pellet implantation


When your hormones are out of balance, it’s common to experience the following symptoms:

  • Decreased sex drive and performance

  • Sweating during sleep

  • Loss of interest in sexual activity

  • Hot flashes

  • Headaches

  • Insulin resistance

  • Irritability

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Brain fog

  • Feeling anxious

  • Difficulty concentration

  • Fatigue

  • Weight gain

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • Acne

  • Low blood pressure

This greater understanding of the relationship between men’s physiology, aging and hormones has led to the development of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT. For BHRT, there is no better delivery method than Pellecome Pellet Therapy.


Testosterone Pellets have been shown to:

  • Boost mood

  • Increase sex drive and performance

  • Improve stamina

  • Build muscle and bone strength

  • Improve sleep

  • Increase energy levels

  • Hydrate skin

  • Improve concentration and memory

  • Feel more confident



Gameday utilizes its 3-step signature process for pellet therapy candidates:


FREE initial lab work from our in-house lab. You’ll receive your total testosterone, red blood cell count, and PSA levels back within 15 minutes.


Consultation with our licensed provider. Once your lab results are ready, you will meet with our provider who will review your medical history, lab results, presenting symptoms, and conduct a physical exam.


If you are a candidate, you will be eligible to schedule a pellet implantation procedure. BHRT works by placing very small testosterone pellets under the skin near the upper glute area. Each pellet is anywhere from 3mm to 9mm in size. The entire pellet placement takes 15 minutes or less and there is minimal to no discomfort. Your Gameday practitioner will sterilize and numb the area above your glute. A small incision will be made and the pellets will be placed under your skin using a medical syringe. The incision area will then be bandaged. After the procedure, there’s no downtime or recovery time needed, making it easy and straightforward

It’s recommended to avoid intense lower body exercise, swimming, and hot tubs until the incision has healed and the bandage is removed (typically a few days).

Most men begin to feel an improvement in symptoms after 1 week of the procedure.



The Gameday Men’s Health team is here to help you maximize your testosterone levels so you can perform at your best every day.

The first step is to Contact Us to schedule a FREE consultation and lab work. (Yes, your labs are FREE and results are provided within 15 minutes).

If you are a candidate for hormonal (testosterone) pellet therapy, your practitioner will schedule an appointment for treatment


  • Office: 2265 Livernois Rd, Suite 402, Troy Mi 48083

  • Call (248) 266-2998

2265 Livernois Rd suite 402, Troy, MI 48083, USA

*Results are not guaranteed and your results may vary.

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